

On this page you'll find all the best ways to make money in your spare time whilst at university based on our own experience. We'll keep adding new ways to this page so go ahead and bookmark it. And please do share your own ideas in the comments!

Grocery stock clerk with daytime and overnight shifts

If you've got a good presence on social media or perhaps you even have a blog or website, you can start bringing in money immediately by promoting all sorts of companies, products, services and offers online.
Think of your blog profits as coming from two distinct revenue streams: content you create and content other people create.
Tom Oswald: Haha that’s a convoluted story! Back in 2014, I had a record label (Red Dragon Records) and Youtube was planning on launching a new product called ‘Youtube Red’ the way this was structured would destroy the independent music industry. I thought that if there were ever a time to take on one of the internet giants, now was the time. We built a video streaming site in 10 weeks and ran it for two years, but Youtube Red was dropped, and we basically lost our USP.
The deep unhappiness with jobs points to a larger problem in how workplaces are structured. The line between work and home has been blurring for decades—and with the pandemic, obliterated completely for many of us, as we have been literally living at work. Meanwhile, the stark divide between white collar workers and those with hourly on-site jobs—grocery clerks, bus drivers, delivery people—became painfully visible. During the pandemic, nearly half of all employees with advanced degrees were working remotely, while more than 90% of those with a high school diploma or less had to show up in person, CoStar found.

Some millennials say financial realities, especially living with student loans, changed their chosen career path. As a college senior studying policy, Brad Walters wanted to be a legislative aide, but seeing the low $30,000 starting salary in comparison with his $60,000 student debt, he went into education instead. “It tells you something when education is the more lucrative option,” he jokes.
"This tournament is big," Gasso said. "It's getting really, really big. It's getting a lot of viewership. It's getting talked about a lot. As coaches, we just want to do what's best for this sport in a respectful way, and we just hope people are listening, whether it's changing our schedules, giving us an extra day, [or] not having us play in late-evening games. Instant replay absolutely needs to be a part of this.
Introducing - a new platform that pays everyday people to review all kinds of websites. Each review takes around 20 minutes and bags you $10 (£6.50) via Paypal.
Most blog platforms have some built-in SEO tools, but you can also work with SEO professionals to integrate ranking keywords throughout your blog and show up higher in search results.

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The Presidency of the School of Education – 2021-07-13