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1st Cycle (Bachelor's Courses)

Social Education


This bachelor´s course in Social Education allows students to:

  • Focus on the evolution of social education in the European political and social context;
  • Understand the basis, models and techniques of socio-educational intervention;
  • Master theoretical frameworks that characterise the target population and contexts, in order to support a differentiated intervention;
  • Understand the identity of the profession at the interface with other socio-educational action professionals, identifying areas and differentiated intervention contexts, respecting ethical principles;
  • Conceive, plan, implement and evaluate programmes and projects suitable to the socio-educational needs;
  • Mobilise pedagogical skills supporting training and socio-educational intervention strategies towards differentiated audiences;
  • Master research methodologies that enable the development of projects, the reasons for the action and continuous updating;
  • Develop a proactive and entrepreneurial intervention approach in different contexts and social problematics;
  • Promote the skills of individuals in fragile social situations and of minorities towards autonomy and social integration;
  • Develop a culture of citizenship and inclusion concerning individuals and groups in contexts of social vulnerability.


Coordinator: Professor Rosina Fernandes

Contact: es@esev.ipv.pt